Category Archives: democracy

You want more gun control – use both hands

What can we do?  who should we watch? what can be done?

We have to be vigilant of who is taxing us.  We have to watch those who are trying to let people enter illegally into our country.  Don’t forget they are trying to take away our rights of free speech, a.k.a voting reform.  Beware of those who want to disarm the citizens (citizen – poor choice of words if we are disarmed, try subjects).

They call it gun control ( meanings of words change).  There is no gun control, just weapon restrictions.  Some weapons look fierce so they must go first.  Some are more powerful so they must be banned.  Then others must be given permission to own a weapon.  Let me put this in plain language — there are those who don’t want you to have the means to defend yourself from those who want to harm you.

A few simple points and you will see where I stand:

Guns do not hurt anyone.  Set that gun on the table and see if it can do any damage.  Let me remind you those who want to hurt you will use any means they have.  Remember, recently a jealous woman ran a car over her husband, do we put restrictions on cars.  Just recently in this town a person was stabbed by a kitchen knife, do we restrict kitchen utensils.  What about fire, do we control matches.  Let’s not forget box cutters, fertilizer, poisons and ball bats.  Just a few days ago they beat a man to death for helping a man who ran over a child.  None of the objects used hurt anyone it was the people who did the damage. They may have used tools to do harm, but we don’t ban tools.

A sign of a free man is the right to defend himself and the possession of the weapons to do the job.  Look at every society and tell me the one you want to live in under every condition.  Tell me did that society have the right to arms and to defend themselves?  They were free men.  Opressed people are disarmed.  Tell me who is truly free and not able to have arms.  Every ruler who wanted to control their subjects had some form of arms control.  Communism, facist, what ever name you want to put on it, if it is a repressive society they control the means the people have to defend themselves.  It is even in the Bible.  Look in 1st Samuel 13:19-22.  The Philistines wanted to control the Israelites so they would not let smiths (makers of weapons) ply their trade in the land.  You had to go see a government approved smith if you need work done. (a.k.a. weapons control)  Therefore when Saul wanted to start an army there was no weapons in the land.

There are those who are afraid of felons, rightly so.  They believe a rule, law against guns will make it safer for them.  As pointed out, the criminal who wants to harm you will use whatever they have.  Besides there is already laws against harming you.  They don’t care about that law, do you believe a weapons control law will be obeyed by them.

Consider this, there are those who have declared they want to harm and supress you, both in our nation and without.  They will use the previous group to get the laws passed to supress you, then when they have no means to defend themselves they will destroy the previous group.  It has been done before and will be done again.

Only in America have we had a government set up that gave us such freedom.  Our fore fathers have warned us that we must fight to preserve the freedoms we have.  Their words are written in history and spoken again by your fathers and grandfathers.  If we are not willing to take the stand to preserve the freedoms we had, we will, as prophesied lose them and RIGHTLY SO!

Is It Time for Another Tea Party?

About 240 years ago we held a tea party.  Only in America will we help start a war with a tea party.  I was not there but I understand people were upset about taxes, lack of representation in government and just being treated like dirt.  It was a start to setting up a country that has had a great ride.  History proves that everyone wants to get here.

I have been saying for years now that the United States will see some drastic changes or we will have some major rebellion.  The foundation for peaceful change is present.  Government is out of control.  the question is, Will the leaders follow the will of the governed?  Remember one of our foundation stones is that the rulers only rule by the consent of the governed.  The government is acting like royalty.

Many  want spending under control but our social security has been spent to provide power and riches for a few.  The majority want the borders closed and the trespassers (or invaders) sent back.  Only the government  has decided to push down our throats the sour pill of pardon for the trespassers.  Maybe it is our fault for not dealing with the issues by staying on the backs of those we send to govern.  If they don’t do right then bring them home.  Don’t send them back!

Maybe it is time for another tea party.  It should start with recall elections for all who refuse to listen.  If they won’t listen and the recalls cannot be started in time then find new ones to send who will govern as we wish.  Vote them out.  The party needs to start now.

I do not advocate a war.  I advocate a rebellion at the ballot box and through the process we have set up.  We need to modify the way things work so no person can spend more than two terms before they come home and have to live with the laws they make.  These people need to be reminded that the intention of the founding fathers was not an elite ruling class as they think they are now.  These people up there despise open debate when it goes against what they desire.  We also need to limit the amount of time these people spend in session each year, the design was they were citizen-congressmen or senators.  Make them parttime.  Don’t believe the lie we need experienced people in congress.  Give me a smart father or mother who raised 3 kids on a small paycheck.  Give me wize people who run their small businesses, churches, and towns and know how to live on little, and have good morals and character, and care about the people they live around and these people will make the best representatives we can get.

Only in America do we have the power to vote them in and vote them out.  Let’ use it!  It is time for another Tea Party.