Category Archives: common sense

What is wrong with American business?

OK, I can’t answer that question in a couple of paragraphs.  Let me say there are many good businesses in the U.S.A..  But when I hear of some dumb things a business does I can tell you what is wrong with one of them.

Let me admit now, I read NRA magazines.  This is not bad.  It is not something I need a ten step program to ween myself off.  This is a good read.  I read mostly “America’s First Freedom”, I can find some truth and reporting I cannot find in the PC (politically correct) rags I find in my home town.

Don’t quote me on the specific facts but the story is correct the best I can remember it.  A man heard screams outside his apartment from a woman saying she had been shot.  Being the type to help he ran out of the apartment and found her shot in the leg.  He helped stop the bleeding and may have saved her leg if not her life.  A good citizen, and good samaritan.  He should be commended.  Instead he was fired from his job.  He worked as a leasing agent at those apartments.  They fired him because he took a shotgun to the scene of the shooting.  As many people would do if they heard shots had been fired he grabbed a weapon to protect himself as he went to help the woman.  Sounds smart to me.

What is wrong with a business that would be so PC they would condemn a person who was willing to help and smart enough to protect himself.  What has come over people who would fire a person for doing good.  Now you may have to think about getting involved because it may mean your life may be taken or harm could come to you that you had the means to avoid.

If I lived in Florida and rented from or was going to rent from these people I would find another place.  A company that will not give a At-A-Boy to someone who does good,  does not need to be  rewarded with cash in the form of rent.  A company who is so stupid they don’t recognize the need for self defense in a situation like this should not be rewarded with my cash in the form of rent.  Let them go broke and maybe they will wake up to the simple truth you cannot create rules that hinder common sense.

American business needs to listen to the silent majority.  The silent majority need to spend their cash with places that support what they believe in.  You can vote with your pocket book.  I like to think that I was responsible for K-Marts financial woos a few years ago.  I refused to go in their place after they stopped selling guns and hired Rosie as their spokes person.  I have not bought anything in there since and have told others why I did not go in there.  Hopefully likeminded people did the same thing.

We can change the world with our cash.  PC places can go broke and others with better values, patriotism, and common sense will take their place.

Just so you don’t think I have no sense of humor I am including this ditty someone sent me.  There is some good points here.

. . . Everyone concentrates on the problems we’re having in this country lately;

 illegal immigration, hurricane recovery, alligators attacking people in Florida . . . Not me. I concentrate on solutions for the problems. It’s a win-win situation.+ Dig a moat the length of the Mexican border. + Send the dirt to New Orleans

to raise the level of the levies. + Put the Florida alligators in the moat along the Mexican border.

Any other problems you would like for me to solve today?
(we even have a couple of gators to send to the moat captured this week)


I heard it twice this week and had a comment about Google.  I here it regularly, “You need to google it and find the truth.”  Why would I find the truth on Google?  it only spits out the results of the searches it completes.  And what does it search for, not the truth or the lies, just the words you put in.

How much stuff floating around the internet is garbage?  Anybody can write anything and it will eventually hit the search engines.  It does not matter if it is true or false.  You cannot believe everything you hear – Momma used to say.  The same is true here, you can’t believe all you read on the internet.

You can’t even believe all you read in the news paper; what makes you think you can believe everything you read on the internet?  If everyone had to tell the truth only, many would have little to say.  If people did not manipulate facts or create fiction, there would be less arguments.  I believe little of what I hear or read, and then I consider the source.

We use to call it lying in America.  We use to call those who lie, liars; now we call them reports, and politicians.  Someone will take offense of that statement, but be warned I consider it lying or deceitful if you do not tell the WHOLE truth.  How often do you hear a story told, but some fact is left out that would change the whole story.  We have that happening all the time.  News stories use clips of long statements that appear to make a person say something they did not say but makes the point they would have us believe.

Be careful about what you believe. Verify what is said. Just because you find it in print, or on the net, or said on tv or the radio doesn’t mean it is true.  Trust only after you verify.